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♡Nouveautés Klytia♡

♡Novelties Klytia♡

KLYTIA proposes a revolution and a brand new efficiency, which takes into account and respects the skin's biorhythms, its natural rhythms, and transforms the passing time into a partner.

Because the skin and its needs are constantly evolving throughout the day, KLYTIA proposes an efficiency in phase with these needs, through new rituals. For increased effectiveness, each of these rituals is composed of products that work in sequence, complementing each other.

The galenic formulations have been carefully developed to maximize the effectiveness of the active ingredients at the time of use, in harmony with the data on the skin's physiological rhythms. Day after day, week after week, the effectiveness of KLYTIA CHRONOSOINS appears long-lasting, and time becomes a partner.

#klytia #klytiaparis #chronosoins #chronobiologie #soinsdelapeau #soinduvisage #routinedebeaute

recherche en chronobiologie et cosmétique chronobiology and skin care

Influence of cosmetic formulations on the skin's circadian clock

Chronobiology and skincare The circadian rhythm was set into focus by awarding the Nobel Price of Physiology/Medicine to Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young in late 2017.